

19 June 2024

The 11th edition of Big 5 Construct South Africa was held at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Johannesburg 4-6 June.

As the event opens for three days of business making, networking and knowledge sharing, it hosts more than 200 exhibitors from 20 countries. Supporting South Africa’s growing demand for products and services, Türkiye-based Teknorm Plastik showcases polycarbonate sheets; South Africa-based Mundo Ladders presents high-quality and durable ladders; India-headquartered Surie Polex brings granite polishing machines; Fritz J, leading suppliers of industrial and commercial roller doors and generators; Singapore’s Lintec & Linnhoff presents leading-edge solutions for the asphalt and concrete industries; China-based Fujian Qunfeng Machinery brings block production line, cuber machine as well as automatic block cuber machine.

Day one of the event hosted several Big 5 Talks on Africa’s water infrastructure issues that unpacked the potential of digital in solving legacy challenges; sustainable construction which highlighted the use of engineered timber and digital design; and driving sustainable strategies for the built environment. The talks enhanced practical learning in the construction industry by providing a hands-on, immersive environment where professionals engaged with the latest tools, technologies and methodologies.

Welcome Address from dmg Events

The Stakeholders Engagement Forum marks the commencement of Big 5 Construct South Africa, uniting public and private sector leaders to influence the construction industry’s trajectory.

Themed “Building Tomorrow’s Cities,” the event delves into crucial facets such as infrastructure, connectivity, and technology’s transformative role. Prioritizing sustainable development, the forum advocates for eco-friendly practices and resilient urban planning to safeguard African cities against climate change. Beyond physical structures, discussions extend to the economic and societal impact of the built environment, aspiring to cultivate sustainable, inclusive, and resilient communities ready for future challenges.

Welcome Address from NAFBI: Aubrey Tshalata, National President: National African Federation for the Building Industry

The Stakeholders Engagement Forum marks the commencement of Big 5 Construct South Africa, uniting public and private sector leaders to influence the construction industry’s trajectory.

Themed “Building Tomorrow’s Cities,” the event delves into crucial facets such as infrastructure, connectivity, and technology’s transformative role. Prioritizing sustainable development, the forum advocates for eco-friendly practices and resilient urban planning to safeguard African cities against climate change. Beyond physical structures, discussions extend to the economic and societal impact of the built environment, aspiring to cultivate sustainable, inclusive, and resilient communities ready for future challenges.

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