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29 June 2022

Supplied Tjeka Training Matters

Tjeka Training Matters, a leading construction training provider, is now a Level 1 contributor to Broad-Based Back Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE).

“This development demonstrates our commitment to the transformation of the local construction industry and the larger South African economy. Responsible companies will continue to strive to ensure that all citizens have an opportunity to participate meaningfully in the economy, while also enabling them to grow and develop as individuals. We are proud to be playing our part in this regard. This is both in terms of our own shareholding and quality training that is equipping many citizens with the skills that they need to succeed as employees or entrepreneurs. Skills development remains a fundamental driver of transformation and, if undertaken correctly, can have a significant positive impact,” Siyabonga Dilimeni, Director of Tjeka Training Matters, says.

Previously a Level 2 contributor, Tjeka Training Matters has steadily improved its B-BBEE shareholding. As Dilimeni notes, true transformation takes time and cannot be rushed. Tjeka Training Matters’ focus on transformation incudes ensuring the long-term sustainability of the private Technical and Vocational Education and Training college and the larger construction training industry. This is by mentoring and coaching the next generation of construction training professionals to eventually take the reins. Certainly, the mentorship of young employees into leadership roles will remain a significant focus for the company moving forward.

New shareholders, Florah Ndlovu, Jabu Dladla and Gloria Ntluko, are sound examples of this “new generation of construction training professionals” who have been mentored by management to the point where they are now confident to help steer the company on its next growth path. Dilimeni says that the construction industry has the potential to be an even greater catalyst for transformation but has been stifled due to underinvestment in critical infrastructure. “The modernisation of network industries, including transport, energy, water and information and communications technologies, facilitates competitiveness and inclusive growth. This is not to mention the important role that regularly maintained infrastructure can play in developing a more inclusive economy. Through well-structured enterprise development programmes that are connected to large infrastructure projects, the construction industry can also help to grow and develop more small, medium and micro enterprises. As a key labour-intensive industry, construction is also able to create jobs for the many unemployed citizens, most of whom are youth and women who do not possess skills,” he concludes.

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