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02 May 2023

By Jan de Beer on behalf of the Cement & Concrete SA’s School of Concrete Technology. 

The critical role that the drivers of ready mix concrete (RMC) trucks play in providing top quality concrete to construction sites on time is often overlooked, says Matthews Magwaza, lecturer at Cement & Concrete SA’s School of Concrete Technology.

Magwaza says the drivers of RMC trucks must be skilled in many more aspects of concrete operations than merely delivering concrete to a building site.  “How fresh concrete is batched and prepared have a direct effect on its transport, and how the concrete is transported will affect the placing and concrete end-product,” he explains.

“With load shedding now increasingly causing traffic delays, the fact that drivers of RMC trucks need to know when – and how – to adjust the mix they are carrying has become most important. The driver must know when his company should send a concrete technologist to assist the driver in adjusting the mix before delivery,” Magwaza states

He says among a RMC driver’s general responsibilities are:

  • Performing daily comprehensive vehicle check lists;
  • Determining the consistency of the concrete mix to be transported by ensuring that a slump test is carried out, either personally, or by assigned colleagues;
  • Being totally familiar with procedures when delays occur on site or, as mentioned, in transit; and
  • Knowing how to ensure his company is not held legally for failures should site supervisors insist on alterations to the mix, such as the addition of water.

“These are just a few of the aspects RMC truck drivers need to be fully versed in. Training is essential to equip them with all the knowledge needed to capably represent their company. The School of Concrete Technology is this year again offering a ‘SCT14 Concrete forRMC truck drivers’ course that specifically deals with the vital considerations described above,” Magwaza adds.

Included in the School’s truck drivers’ course are:

  • A brief overview of concrete, the roles of each of its ingredients, and the importance of maintaining the correct water to cement ratio;
  • Demonstrations and explanations of how to assess the strength and workability of the concrete in the truck;
  • Demonstrations and explanations of concrete cohesiveness and bleeding;
  • Explanation of the delivery note and the legal implications contained therein; and
  • Basic health and safety issues.

For more information about the courses and scheduled dates for 2023, email rennisha.sewnarain@cemcon-sa.org.za or phone 011 315 0300.

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